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Fri 5 Apr 2024: Pre-Registration Completion Instruction

Team Managers’ (TMs) Dashboards will be open from 8th Apr 24 until 2200hrs Thu 9th May 24 for TMs to submit participants’ data along with team staff details.

Pre-Registration will include printing the control card and wristband inserts, as well as completing the TMs assurance statement for each team entered. After 2200hrs Thu 9th May 24 changes can only be made at Registration in Okehampton Camp.

The Pre-Registration process will involve TMs sequentially completing the following tasks for each of their teams:

  • Enter Participants.
  • Enter a Deputy TM and up to 2 other Deputy TMs.
  • Distribute electronic link to participants’ parent / guardian (or participant if aged 18 or over) to the Participation and Media Consent Forms. Whoever completes the form must provide an image of a handwritten signature in the space provided – anything other than this will not be accepted. This can be done by taking a photo of a physical signature, saving it electronically, and then pasting it into the consent form where the space is provided. TMs will be able to view progress on their Dashboard and must ensure completion before Pre-Registration closes. A blank template will be available for printing from the Dashboard, which we advise is completed for any potential reserves. TMs should bring any completed hardcopies to the Event, should they be needed. Any potential participant without a completed Participation Consent Form will not be able to start the Event.
  • Print Control Card (on waterproof paper).
  • Print Wristband inserts.
  • Print Tent Identifier (TTC 35-mile only).
  • Complete the TMs assurance statement for each team entered.

Please note that, in a change to previous years, participants’ and Accompanying Adults’ pre-existing medical conditions are not required to be submitted. Parents/guardians/participants over 18 should be informed about the arduous nature of the event and will sign the Participation Consent Form to acknowledge and accept the risk of participating. They will also declare on the consent form that they are medically and physically fit to participate. Any concerns regarding medical fitness to participate are the parent/guardian or participants' responsibility to direct to their GP. We suggest that participants should be encouraged to carry details of any relevant medical condition they would wish to make the emergency services aware of in the event they are involved in an incident requiring medical intervention.

The TMs assurance can only be given after successful completion of the previous steps; moreover, should a Participant be changed, the printed Control Card, wristband insert, consent forms and assurance become invalid, so the TM will have to reprint the documents and re-submit the assurance/consent forms.  TMs will be able to download and print their car passes at any stage.  A representative TM Pre-Registration screen is shown at Fig 1:

Fig 1: A representative TMs Pre-Registration screen

At Registration on Friday 10 May 24 each team’s status will be checked prior to the issue of the team’s tracker, see Fig 2.  Should there be any anomalies the TM will be asked to rectify the issues at a self-help desk. Assistance will be available if required.

Fig 2: Generic Beacon allocation checks

As the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for Pre-Registration, any queries are to be addressed to the Ten Tors Secretary on ensuring that the Establishment Code and name is included in the Subject.

Last updated 05/04/2024

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