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Wed 27 Sep 2023: Ten Tors Selection Committee Update

The Ten Tors Selection Committee met on Tuesday 26 September 2023 to select the teams for Ten Tors 24 and allocate reserve places. This was a difficult task as the entries were again much greater than the capacity of the Event, with many of the entries being made in the last few days. This required careful consideration of all the entries and some hard decisions.

The team allocations will be available to view under the relevant Challenge tab on the website on Thursday 28 September.

Jubilee Challenge (JC)

All the applications for the JC have been accepted.

Jubilee Challenge Plus (JC+)

This additional challenge is now a full part of the event. All entries for the JC+ have either been offered a place or a reserve place.

During the Pre-Registration phase, TM will be required to declare the number of challengers in each of their JC and JC+ teams. There is no need to change the number of challengers before the Payment Phase, unless an establishment wishes to reduce the numbers entered. It is unlikely, given the number of entries, that there will be any capacity for further entries.

Ten Tors Challenge (TTC)

The TTC received 489 entries for the permitted 400 places. One of the Ten Tors’ Strategic Objectives is to broaden participation within the South West to a greater range of establishments and teams. Consequently, all entries from establishments outside of the South West that did not meet the eligibility criteria were declined. To further reduce numbers, all Establishments requesting more than 4 teams were reduced to 4. All entries from within the South West that have not been accepted have been placed on the Reserve list. This brings the total accepted entries to 464 with 21 Reserves. It is anticipated that the usual quantity of withdrawals will bring the quantity of teams starting the Challenge down to 400.

By 30 November 2023, TTC TMs are requested to email the Ten Tors Secretary at with the required distribution of their accepted TTC teams so that changes can be made.

Reserves may be allocated a place once the number of accepted entries drops, typically immediately after January’s Payment Phase. Reserve teams’ entry fees are to be paid either during the Payment Phase or immediately on acceptance of the offer of a place. The allocation of Reserves will favour those within the Southwest first.

Establishments will not usually be permitted to have more than 2 teams at any one distance.


There will be no penalties for teams who withdraw before their entrance fees are paid during the January 2024 Payment Phase. Once payment has been made, there will be no refunds.

Dashboard actions

Some of the accepted entries and the reserve places have a code in the Qual (qualification) column. TMs must remedy their administrative error(s) through their dashboard by 15 October 2023, otherwise their team’s place will be forfeited. Once corrected, the Ten Tors Secretary will remove the code.

The relevant codes are;

Area = Establishment outside of the South West.

Co = Cohorts need adding. This is the quantity of pupils/members in each of the relevant age group.

D = Declaration not completed.

Estb = A TM may only represent one Estb.

N = Name of the Establishment. Please check that the name of the establishment has a maximum of 30 characters and is lower case with, where appropriate, the first letter of each word in capitals. To assist indexing ‘The’ must not be the first word.

Q = Qualifications. No qualified walking leader. This person does not have to be the TM. From the Ten Tors perspective, the required qualifications may be made up of an amalgam of 2 or more team staff. Note that Scout qualifications may only be used by Scout Establishments.

Staff = Add qualified walking leaders.

T = Telephone number or email missing/corrupted.

In addition, all TM are requested to add other qualified walking leaders to their Team Staff as this demonstrates the Establishment’s depth of hill walking expertise.

TM are also requested to double check that their telephone numbers and email addresses entered on their dashboard are correct as they are a key part of Ten Tors’ communications.

Team Managers’ Brief

The mandatory TM Brief will take place on Sat 7th Oct 23. If an establishment is not represented, (more details will be published on the website very soon), they will be removed from the event. There will not be a second Team Managers Brief ran later on in the year. All TMs must have attended a TM Brief within the last three years, and must send a representative if they are not attending themselves.


It is fantastic to see that the event continues to grow and we are again oversubscribed for TT24. We regret the disappointment that establishments and their prospective challengers may feel, but we assure you that every effort has been made to be consistent, balanced and to make decisions that support Ten Tors’ policy and rules.

Last updated 27/09/2023

« Ten Tors 24 Selection Committee-Tue 26 Sep    ·    Team Managers Brief - Sat 7 Oct 23 »